Thursday, 18 September 2014

Plans for further layers of Research

Although I have done a lot of research I feel that it perhaps doesn't have enough depth yet. So, with the material that I have collected I am going to experiment in some of the areas that I identified in my personal notes under each plant.

One thing that always came up was the way the structure of the plant informed the way the plants felt and the impression they left. So, I want to break down the shapes of the plants and why I interpreted them the way I did. I want to start by drawing a select few, that had a distinct effect, as animals. This is because I was always anthropomorphising the plants when I talked about them, just as many people do with animals. Such as the way that many people find mammals warm and friendly in a social sense, yet find reptiles cold and unpleasant. 

I then want to split up the shapes of these plants and ask other and myself why they have this effect?

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